Marketing Your Home
Prospective home buyers are interested in three things. The neighborhood, the price, and the condition of the house. You can’t change where it’s located, and the price needs to be based on the current market value, but you can do things to give you the edge over your competition. It’s called staging.
What is “staging”?
Staging is something every home seller should know about. It’s preparing your home to appeal to the largest group of home buyers possible. Staged homes sell faster and for more money than comparable homes in the same area. Here are some staging tips to make your home look warm and inviting
- Curb appeal – Since the first thing a prospective buyer sees is the exterior of your home, you want it to make a great first impression. Now’s the time to repaint the trim, replace outdated light fixtures and even replace that welcome mat that looks like it has worn out its welcome. Take a look at your landscaping. Could your yard use some flowers or some new shrubs? Remember, plants can increase your homes value, as well as appeal to buyers. Keep the yard mowed and trimmed, sweep the entry and sidewalks, clean the windows (both inside and out) and clean the gutters and downspouts to give your home a well cared for look.
- Clear the clutter – Remove knickknacks, trophies, plaques, family photos, children’s artwork, refrigerator magnets, etc. Make your home look like it doesn’t belong to anyone. This makes it easier for a prospective buyer to come in and see themselves living there.
- Color scheme – Repaint rooms with neutral colors. The majority of home buyers want a home they can move into without doing any work until they are ready.
- Don’t forget the odors– A house that smells odd to a prospective buyer can be a deal breaker. Odors from dogs, a cat’s litter box or cooking need to be eliminated. Take steps to freshen up by steam-cleaning the carpets, moving litter boxes elsewhere, and, if weather permits, opening the windows for a few minutes to let fresh air in. Be careful about masking odors with air fresheners or potpourri – those can become offensive odors to buyers as well.
- Maintenance – Remember that cracked window you never replaced, or the other things you were going to get around to repairing? Well, now’s the time. People like homes that look like they have been well maintained. They want a house that is ‘move-in ready’!